Autumn Show 2024

Autumn Show 2024 Report.

Over the weekend of 12th & 14th October the Dragon Bonsai Club held the annual Autumn show in the Mansion House, Aberglasney Carmarthenshire. 

All of us had been busy for the days before getting the trees ready for the show, and we set up on the Friday afternoon . 
Just after 5 pm we were more or less done. Trees and other exhibits were picked up by myself and Chris earlier in the day. We also had a good section of Trees, Wire and Pots for sale, and had a table set up for demonstrations, which proved to be very well received by the visitors to the show. 

Club members were on hand to give advice to anyone that brought a tree in for us to see. Saturday was the best day for numbers – and a break in the recent wet weather for the two days of the show helped boost numbers. Over 220 votes were collected for the ‘ Visitors Favourite Tree ‘ This year the show was judged by Lewis – a long standing member of the Club, and we extend our sincere thanks to him. 

Best in Show Gary ( Hawthorn ) 
Accent Laura Deciduous Delyth ( Zelkova ) 
Conifer Carly ( Gingko ) Tree / Pot Gary ( Hawthorn ) 
Kusamono Mike 
Shohin Gary ( Larch ) 
Visitors Choice Delyth ( Zelkova ) 
Lena’s Award Delyth 

Anyone in the Bonsai community who’s ever set up a show – will know the huge amount of work and dedication needed from a club – before, during and after the event. 

This year was no exception – and I must thank the team for their efforts to ensure we had everything ready for the Saturday morning – to being on hand throughout the two days of the show - and then for the Sunday to take everything down again. I must also thank the Aberglasney team for their continued and dedicated help & support for the event. Our next show is in early March 2025, Thank You All, Simon Evans. Chairman, Dragon Bonsai.